The MMBC 2026 Vision
In January 2023, I worked with our 13 deacon leaders and our ministry staff to formulate a three year vision for our church. Our 2026 Vision is partially a statement of who we are presently and partially a statement of who we aspire to be. That is, each member will decide for themselves just how “descriptive” versus “aspirational” the statements are.
Our 2026 Vision is divided into four parts: Team (our deacons and ministry staff), Mission (describing what we uniquely offer our community), Evangelism (how we are trying to reach people), and Impact (some tangible things we will see to evaluate our progress in 2026 as well as along the way in 2024 and 2025.) See how you fit into what God is doing in and through Manly Memorial. I hope you become as excited about where we see God leading us as I am. My ultimate prayer is that you will buy into the vision with your life and let the Spirit use you to help make this vision a reality.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Skyler