MMBC Ministries & Related Standing Committees

Administrative Ministry/Nominations and Personnel Committees

The purpose of the Administrative Ministry is to administer and assist MMBC staff and the Nominations and Personnel Standing Committees in the total operations of the church.

Nominations Committee
> Anita Cruze
> Roger Williamson - Chair
> Lee Higgins

Personnel Committee
> Steve Higgins - Chair
> Rick Cruze
> Greg Frickert
> Gaven Largent
> Alysan Raymond

Finance and Stewardship Ministry/Finance and Stewardship Committee

1. The purpose of the Finance and Stewardship Ministry shall be to develop, promote, and administer a budget along with comprehensive financial plans relative to the ministries of the church.

2. The Finance and Stewardship Ministry shall support all ministries of the church.

3. The Finance and Stewardship Ministry shall be responsible for:
> Preparing and maintaining an annual budget
> Counting gifts and offerings; and
> Promoting stewardship within the church membership.

Finance & Stewardship Committee
> Alysan Raymond - Chair
> Harvey Galloway
> Rick Lollis
> Matt Woodford
> Fred Vaughan

Worship Ministry/Worship Committee

1. The purpose of The Worship Ministry shall be to assist the church staff in providing inspirational worship experiences.

2. This ministry shall complement MMBC Support Ministries.

3. The Worship Ministry shall be responsible for:
> Enhancing worship services with music;
> Providing and maintaining a secure nursery;
> Tasks related to baptismal services;
> Securing, lighting and extinguishing candles during worship services;
> Tasks related to communion services;
> Providing ushers for worship services; and
> Providing audio-visual needs for worship services.

Worship Committee
> Lorii Parker - Chair
> Anita Cruze
> Rosanna Frickert
> Vicki Kave
> Leila Taylor

Missions Ministry/Missions Ministry Committee

1. The purpose of the Missions Ministry shall bed to:
> Identify mission opportunities;
> Develop mission programs of action;
> Bring action plans to completion.

2. The Missions Ministry shall be responsible for programs such as:
> Providing bereavement as defined in the MMBC Policy and Procedures Manual;
> Administering a homebound ministry;
> Providing opportunities for mission trips;
> Supporting the goals of the WMU.

Missions Committee
> Rhonda Pedigo - Chair
> Rick Lollis
> Barbara Morris
> Patsy Williamson

Christian Education and Training Ministry/Christian Education Committee

The purpose of the Christian Education and Training Ministry shall be to:
> Provide Bible study for all ages in a variety of formats; and
> Ensure appropriate curriculum, guidance, and direction for children’s programs, youth programs, and for Bible Study Leaders.

Christian Education & Training
> David Campbell
> Debbie Fox
> Wendy Higgins
> Jacob Holstein
> Beth Lollis

Children's Committee
> Lisa Carter
> Laura Jones
> Sherry Miller
> Joanna Woodford
> Ronella Daniel

Building and Grounds Ministry/Building and Grounds Committee

The purpose of the Building and Grounds Ministry shall be to:
> Assist MMBC to manage and maintain all buildings, furnishings, and equipment;
> Define custodial tasks; and
> Supervise custodian’s work.

Building and Grounds Committee
> David Campbell - Chair
> Bradley Carter
> Joe Coxon
> Gary Judy
> Ken Morris
> Lori Parker